Mew's troubles
He was in the kitchen and i could here the deep fryer frying my favorite, french fries. pain shot through my stomach as i started to yell, "sciooooo" scio came running and i panted, "there coming."
The Emporium of Curious Goods 2: Addictive TV
Steak gave way to fried chicken. fried chicken gave way to a casserole. they all disappeared down the raven's endlessly hungry gullet. it was like something had opened up a pit inside him and he just couldn't fill it!
The smell of deep frying hit her nose the second she walked in, causing her to drool a little. at the same time her stomach gave a loud growl. she realized that she was quite starved. she smiled at the fry-cook, a short portly catboy.
Ulterior Motives
He looked over the baskets of fried chicken, shrimp, and other fried treats as he began to load his plate up.
An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 1
Cj lifted his head and asked the newly returned grillby for some fries and slid some gold coins over to him. the flame-man accepted the money and went to the back, returning shortly with a big plate of french fries.
Skinwalkers: Chapter Thirteen
Clueless had polished off her fries long ago, and was making envious eyes at what remained of zave's, but the third plate was still full. "hey, i got you that," zave greeted her, nodding toward the remaining serving of fries.
He frowned and tossed a fry at her. with amazing quickness, she caught the fry with her mouth and stuck her tongue out at him. "whatever man. superman still wins." "why?"
Renes pool hall days part 2
Thick fries and a tall icy cola. renee grinned at the expression of pure bliss that came across kitty' face when she took a bite of the huge burger. chancey stole fries while he made bedroom eyes at a tall college kid at the bar.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Nine
Swallowing what should have been enough to choke a girl her size, rebecca didn't waste a second before cramming five more fries into her mouth, followed by another enormous bite of her burger.
A Bump in the Road. Chapter Thirteen.
Now i found myself finishing both, the fries of both and then working on the fried jalapenos. it reminded me when i was wearing the amulet. at this i decided to take the jaguar jacket off.
Dragon Roy's Bad Day
He gets up for a moment to buy some super sized fries from the local fast food place. he comes back and eats a fry and just before he can get the next fry a long yoshi tongue comes out of nowhere and snatches the fries from roy's claws.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 10
He proceeded to dig the fish out of each fried shell and eat just the contents, leaving the deep fried batter on his plate. he tried eating the french fries but found them equally fried and unappealing.