Walk a Mile: Covert Ops: Cobalt
They were a low grade hive mind, individuals gathered together into mental communities.
Zion - Character Creation
Whatever the case, some individuals may shun the character, some may hold a healthy curiosity, sone some may be completely indifferent.
Assorted Naerian Histories
After infection the ability to reproduce went like this: two affected individuals could copulate, resulting in tainted offspring. if one affected and one unaffected individual copulated the result was always miscarriage.
Interlude: Committee Briefing
This means each individual viral cell with the dragon genetic material must be produced individually.
A Prelude: God-Touched
God-touched, as they were called, were rare individuals, and perhaps only a handful existed in the entire world, both known and unknown.
Its owner gestured at one of the other masked individuals, who whispered something at him. nash was pulled to his feet and thrown against the van.
Pitfall Jellies : A Primer [Patron Reward]
However, as aforementioned, this employee was still, ostensibly, an individual, though with the same compulsion as this subject. the compulsion does fade over time, and this individual, along with the intruder, have been promoted to field agents.
Ceryx Expedition Species Log #1: Ghillie Spiders
As individuals age and grow, their own well of authority seems to increase as well.
To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 7
Bodily fluids m1xing, that was the catcatalyst to an individual's destruction. once introduced to the body, these nanomachines, or nanites, would actively seek a second g434try45 part of their code, which would only be found in another individual.
Nether Encyclopaedia: Void Walkers.
Method of marking is mostly leaving their musk on others, but some tend to keep a part of their spiritual aura inside the marked individual for further emphasis.
Connection of Bright Energy
The body and the mind represent two different entities, only the power of the mind connects it to our own individuality, the mind is powerfull and until one realizes it, will it reach a unachievable capactiy, we are all naive in areas of the unexplored
Orelai- On the Mountaintop
The new individual asks once within earshot, not sounding the least bit out of breath, though that is expected considering the method to which he got to this location.