Caught in the Storm: 3

._ he slammed the door and instantly yelped, but no one noticed. tivalae flinched as he looked down and saw that he had slammed his locker door on his swollen shaft.

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Introduction to Manipulators: Courting and Mating

The "instant success" this is the reaction every meighn wants from a meighnen. it's the "omg, he's perfect in every way!" basically, the reaction the females body will have will be that of an instant orgasm.

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Skyyna: The beginning

Upon realizing that she was chained to the wall she instantly tried moving away but did nothing but make her head hurt more.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 17- Turbulence

instantly the lynx' head shot forward, her bloody mouth wide open, snapping for the antelope. following her intuition nekoiâ evaded instantly.

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Shiny Cookie

instantly, she was taken aback at the... taste. sweet, savory, her taste buds instantly went into overdrive as the cookie had somehow almost instantly melted in her mouth.

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The History Of Zato

The instant he did, brick tentacles wrapped around his maw and legs, locking him in place as ruby balled her fist and formed ice around them before shaping them into spikes and shooting them at zato, while veon instantly lifted her arms up before bringing

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El Secreto de Tora: Confesiones (Primera Parte)

En unos instantes, se encontró empotrada contra la pared, con el cuerpo musculoso del felino delante de él, y el pelaje de ambos rozándose entre si. el tigre la observó unos instantes, y en su mirada, aparentaba cierta furia.

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The Emporium of Curious Goods 2: Addictive TV

It was everything the raven could do to hold himself back long enough for the tray to pop out and land softly in his lap; he instantly started to jam the juicy, hot sandwich into his beak. the bird was instantly hooked.

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Crónicas de la Frontera: Capítulo I

Era como si, por un instante, se tejiera una extraña conexión entre ambos, algo que les uniera y le permitiera comprender a la perfección a aquella bestia, que le era completamente desconocida, y como si por unos instantes, él y aquel desconocido fueran uno

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Anastacia takes dodgy medicine

Some of them were even more unlucky - those that landed in between her butt-cheeks were spared an instant death, but when they ended up sliding inside anastacia's ass, they quickly regretted not dying instantly - her butt was clean(not all of her bodily substances

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Hypnotized Love - Part I

In a second, the dog closed his swirling eyes, and fell instantly into a deep sleep. --- "mmmm . . . huh?" the rottie started come to. he instantly noticed that he was in front of an audience.

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A New Toy, A New Love

instantly the pink cock began to appear, easing it's way from it's prison until it was almost fully revealed. this small release alone brought a moan to the fox as he closed his eyes for a moment.

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