Jeremy 084; The Myth Of Closure
The next few days were a blur between his training with Alex Elkins, the Bureau and the Thirteenth Floor. Gakota had become as much another mentor to him in working toward getting the Bureau back to work. The cat taught him how to delegate much of...
The Minotaurs Lair
Theseus found himself looking at the dark entrance into the lair. He had been sentenced to fight the Minotaur in the labyrinth. Slowly he walked into the labyrinth. As he entered he began to unwind a ball of golden string to help him find the...
Cabin Break: Part 20
Silence - that was all Sam could hear; no wind, no rustling of trees, and no sounds of wildlife. It only lasted a moment, but to the young wolf it was like holding his breath while rapidly sinking into deep water. In some small way, he seemed to...
Desperate Stand
I knew i would one day be a living myth, a testament to the ages. everyone knows the stories of kytheon iora and his irregulars, but no one remembers their names outside of their leader.
Rising Anew -Chapter 11, Family & Learning-
"in the old country we were regarded as a myth, to some as deities, yet some people there wanted to know if there was more than just a myth, and when humans find their myths are reality, they realize
The Idle
Instead the stoney skinned myth rocked back to meet the heavy thrusts with his own.
Sun Goddess of Lemuria
This in many ways resembles the myth of zanahary in madagascar, and is probably the product of multiple exchangs between both islands.
The Legend: chapter one; a bad morning
(Since I haven't posted anything in a LONG time, I thought I should try and think of something to post... ANYWAY! Its short at the moment, but it will get longer. I only did this in a few hours, wile not in the mood to right.. be gentle) The...
Winterfall - Bedtime Story
**"Bedtime Story"** **By Lauren Rivers** No matter how well the inhabitants of Coldhaven insulated their bodies from the bitter chill that marked every day, it always seemed that...
APPENDIX A CREATION OF LUSSURIA AND THE GREAT EVENTS OF ITS AGES THE FIRST AGE: Gedebis, a pandimensional Swan floating on the cosmic waters lays a single egg. From which hatches The Eternal Lovers, Phanes and Nyx bound together by a great Serpent...
Justice by the Water
This is taken from myths of the water horses of celtic origin. it's about the price paid for upsetting the balance. a warning for those who mar the wonders of love, and to those dragged through the mud by such people.
BB Mythology: Irresistible
Once there was a god named Xonos. Xonos was the God of Stamina: an eager and inexhaustible young dragon, with the strength to work all day. His scales were an irredescent blue that shimmered like the surface of the ocean. His dedication and...