12 Vores of Christmas, Sixth Vore of Christmas, Deer

Once don had reached the back of the house, he looked at the back garden and could make out some shapes of various things that were hidden partially within the overgrowth and snow, there was a bench, a slide and a shed at the furthest part of the garden

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The Waking Hunger - Part 4

The vixen's thoughts wandered back to a cold night in a small village, and to a large, grinning black wolf who had forced her to the ground and took her there among the overgrowth and distant screams. she ground her fangs.

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Chapter 1 - Arrival In Kanto

Otherwise, he strides through the overgrowth with little effort. the wonders of being a ranger. he keeps his eyes and ears ever so open, waiting for something to give him a sign that there's more than just jungle wherever he is.

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Dwarves and Dragoncats

#24 of shattered shards shattered shards: dwarves and dragoncats by von krieger cerzie's grin stretched nearly from ear to ear as she cleared away the last of the overgrowth from the great stone door. or at least it looked like stone.

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The Human Species Ch.108 - Many Unruly Mankey

"with so much overgrowth... you'd expect things to be a little warmer..." lucario groaned as he could see that his breath was still visible from the cold.

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Wolf Creek Interloper

They then loped down the road until it faded into the overgrowth of small trees and bushes.                 maggie was wagging her tail. "this is nice. it's like we don't have any responsibilities for once in our lives."                

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Kovu and Mipa: Mipa's Demons

It surprised him that he still had not found his way out of the tangle of overgrowth, given that the oasis was of a finite size, after all. but then again, he'd zigzagged a lot during his flight from the giant snake.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 20: Putting Down Roots

While it was relatively lush, dense, and appropriate for the overgrowth long untouched by civilization, it wasn't by any means impassable.

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 2

I could see a handful of people walking through the trails cut into the overgrowth. the warm sun heated my back as a light breeze swayed my branch. the only work to describe the scene is peaceful. i heard a voice call out, "lyall!"

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Xenobiologist - Pod Spider

The husky sized scientist cursed as he stumbled through the overgrowth, snagging holes and cuts into his outfit. after another few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for. hidden inside a long dead tree was a smooth black box.

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Chapter 56: Your Mother's Tits

"but not overgrowth. i believe someone cast a spell in an attempt preserve a part of our empire forever. . . . and it _worked._" "w-what was that thing?" yeneneshe whispered, hating the stammer in her voice, not caring what he was saying.

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Blue-Furred She-Beast - Chapter 1

Red, glowing eyes harbored themselves in the overgrowth. there on her knees, clinging to one of his worn boots, was a lovely blue vixen that eyed the direction of the viewer with a look of distress.

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