A deadly recovery chapter 2
OMG did you hear about that thing at that place? Warning: I do not like when people use my stuff at all so please ask before using my characters. Renei walked into the bathroom of the apartment and turned the water on. Tim was waiting so she had...
A deadly recovery chapter 1
Yays! I finally got somethin to writes! Warning: I do not like when people use my stuff at all so please ask before using my characters. Renei walked into the small classroom and grabbed her car keys. She returned to the elevator as her...
28 (DSV Nautica) Recovery
The FTL tunnel dissipated, the Erebus returning to normal space. The scans began almost immediately."Captain, No survivors are being detected..." De'ans voice was heavy with remorse and anger.Aki exhaled through her nose, sighing heavily. She wasn't...
Thornn's Recovery: Meeting Mystique
OK so taking a day I did some thinking and tonight I decided to just continue running with this story instead of branching off to continue others. I'm still working out the kinks, one of which switching tenses I am trying to avoid. Please let me know...
Recovery Ch. 2: Settling In
#3 of recovery _doril and niosh both get comfortable in their respective jobs and homes. of course, there are always some sort of problems at work, no matter who or what you are...._ _--_ "i've got to say, mr. syhassi."
Chapter 6; The Price of Recovery
. \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> the price of recovery \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> magnus shuffled awkwardly on his feet.
Wasteland Survivor - Recovery - ch22
The elven response was fast, a dozen archers were suddenly on the ground, bows drawn. Tense seconds passed. A new elf dropped from the trees above, landing with his back to us just before his compatriots. "What are you doing Elarial?...
Kindred Flames-Recovery and Reunions
So after nurse joy had left to attend to others, she had walked back into pearl's recovery room and spent some time with her before crossing the hall to phoenix's room.
Recovery Efforts Series Appendix
This is supplemental material to the recovery efforts/living the dream story parts, set to end with the road to our recovery.
Recovery Efforts (Part 2)
Here is the second part, the conclusion, of recovery efforts. if you are interested in depictions of sex, dear reader, you'll be happy to know there's a bit more of that than in part one.
13- The Recovery Room Confession
"i mean, someone could come in--" with an offhand wave and the barest amount of jedi concentration, the recovery room's door shut and clicked as it locked. "...
Recovery Efforts (Part 1)
Cat and alder stood before the guard at the entrance to the search and rescue--or have they already changed the sign to say 'recovery'?