Curiosity got the Dragon

Then i opened my mouth to blow fire on the vines. when my mouth was wide open a vine went right in. i gagged and realized what happened i clamped down on the vine hopping to sever it but it was squishy and did nothing.

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Kaden's Tentacle Experience.

I blushed deeply, my cheeks burning with desire as it showed why some of these vines glowed so brightly. within the vine, thick, slimy and glowing eggs were present.

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The Seed

The plant lowered its flower and a different type of vines emerged from its center, the external vines transferred the now frantically struggling animal to the feeding vines which also wrapped around it tightly, then the external vines released the animal

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Darnlake Botany-R 04

Then soon after into the eager bulb of the vine.

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Mystery of the restroom (2nd Edition)

It parted its mouth slowly, six vines were stretched out from the pitcher tube and began to crawl on the ground. the vines did not search for helen, but instead a vine crawled up the wall. it somehow knew how to trick her out from the room.

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Encounters of the Nth kind - Chapter 1

That was how it looked, a large head tapering back into a green body that went up into the tree and disappeared among the vines. i looked again and saw that it did not disappear into the vines, but rather it was the vine.

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The King in the Forest

One vine was dedicated to just tickling and teasing the underside of his uncut meat. another vine began to wrap around his balls, squeezing them gently.

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Darnlake Botany Nourishment

Being taken by the vines wasn't so bad, but as soon as my nose stopped detecting the scent of the doctor, i knew there was no way i could be content living on the company of vines alone.

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The Tournament of Change - Chapter Thirteen, Villainous Vines

She could see their breasts, pressed up against the wall, the vines- "get a hold of yourself karla!" chester shouted, a dagger pinning a vine to the wall next to karla.

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A Tentacly Adventure

He is being fucked by a vine, and he loves it.

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Never Take a Shortcut

Suckling on the vine in hir mouth, shi swallowed more of that sap eagerly. though shi couldn't see it, the other vine that had risen to hir nethers opened up like a flower blooming, with a bumpy, glistening thinner vine in the centre.

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