What Friends Are For

She hooked her finger into the neck of his shirt and led him to her bedroom, her natural yellow bioluminescence and the neon blue glowstick wrapped around his wrist their only sources of light. a minute later, skunk and otter were in a state of undress.

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Conversions: Gravitas

The setting sun illuminated the upper surface of the kelp forest but down on the ocean floor everything was illuminated by these beautiful coral blooms that glowed with a white bioluminescent gleam.

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Conversion: Pawpy

It was dark within, illuminated by only a faint bioluminescence and there was a musty smell to it, like dried mushrooms and ancient earth. the blue yoshi paused on the edge of the pod, glancing back at svamp who smiled encouragingly.

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Lost in Translation - Chapter 2: What Must Come

bioluminescent insects floated as fairies in the branches, humming cryptic tunes to themselves. as the duo padded along the forest floor, james became more and more mesmerized by the silent beauty of the nature around him.

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Solis Chapter 1

bioluminescent flora provides ample light for vex as he makes his way through the gorge.

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Weaver Fever (chapter 2)

The bioluminescent patches on his arms and tail glowed for a moment, and then darkened again to match the luman's all-over black. somebody farted and everybody pretended not to notice.

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The Lost Colony, Part 1

Many aren't even from the cities but from the bioluminescent plant life. i'm sad i can't glow like felani born felines... i was born on a colony world. we farm and make textiles to sell off throughout the galaxy. it's boring work, that's why i left.

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Lore of Nature

He fumbled for a slim vial in his bag and gave it a hefty shake until a bioluminescent glow expanded from the mixture within to light up the surrounding area.

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2019-05-14 - Too Close to the Cliff (Saethwr)

However, what was most interesting to him was that the creature - at least the parts of it lining the cavern walls - was bioluminescent to the point it fully illuminated the cavern!

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Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 2

Persephone's neck glowed with bioluminescence as she blushed more. "i thought i was more something that goes bump in the night than fashion model." "you're both, girl," alphonse said. "yeah, hon."

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Bad End: Shimmers

The main living chamber was lined with bioluminescent fungus, softly glowing living sconces that outlined the massive diameter of the roughly spherical chamber.

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The Perils (Or Benefits) of Amateur Witchcraft

It was claustrophobic, the tentacles enclosing the space around her and the bioluminescent nature of the tendrils was the only thing allowing her to see.

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