Best of 2011-2012: The Writings
I said dropping my championship to the floor. "yep, thirty days, effective right now. security?" he says as he motions to the two security guards.
In My Wildest Dreams Part 1 Junior High
Before long, it was time for the state championship meet. at the state championships you didn't have people in every event, only the ones where they were good enough to qualify.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #12- Friendly Rivalry Advice
The fox nodded, recalling the fact the gruber signed as a free agent with the dakota bikers a year after being mvp of the league and leading the minutemen to their only championship to date. "maybe.
Star Fox Chronicles: The Side Quests: Quest 3: The Brother of Adair
"the annual martial arts championship to occur today." he read on in interest. "corneria's greatest fighters have come to compete for the most prestigious fighting championship of the world.
2: Down to Business
"alphonse norwich is coming to the anthropomorphic fighting championship."
WCW power hour (2/23,1991)
Fans we do wanna make it clear,there will be a great broadcast tonight world championship wrestling two hours.announcer:his opponent from vennes beach,california weighing in at 215 pounds sting.sting walks to the ring.he bell rings landel and sting lock up
Incineroar x Urshifu
I want to make this championship have high stakes... and i mean real high stakes. i don't just want the championship, i want this wrestler's life. his whole being. i propose a new rule that will really rile everyone up.
Vorlan and the wrestler...
"practice is whats going to get us to the championship." over the next two hours the new kid proved to be so talented, he was taking on the guys in the heavier weight class.
His name is ten kodori, and he just won the kazenari judo championships. ten was the captain of his high school judo team. now having won the title match, he is retiring from the club on a high note.
Galactic Arena: Chapter 3
Each team competing in the championship tournament was provided with suites in the residential area and their own preparation area.
Furry Youth - Prologue Part 1
Please send me feedbacks furry youth â€" prologue, part 1 "and with 10 seconds left to go, it looks like the golden knights of furma heights high school are going to win an unprecedented fourth-straight predatas state division i football championship
Electric Touch: Chapter 34 FINAL (mPikachu x fRaichu)
"well, since i knew you won the world championship, i thought that day would be the best for you. i mean, literally hundreds of millions of independent fighters as well as trainers dread to win that contest.