Nightmane-Chapter 2

After all that was left of the steak was bone i sat there thinking and contemplating on what loken had said. then it came to me. i had to make peace with what i had become, before what i had become controlled who i was.

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Paybacks Are A Dream?

Tina contemplated trying to take her brother farther, but her contemplation was short lived as todd suddenly bucked his hips in his sleep, pressing the rest of his eight inch member down his sisters throat roughly.

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The Coffin: Part 3

The glow left astari's eyes, although he was still left in contemplation. marcus frowned, not liking being left in the dark. "so... what did you find?"



Raul contemplated all this while cradling his head in his paws, keeping his breathing slow and even, fighting the urge to stand.

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Dangerous Play: Preface

Exhaling, thomas was left to contemplate only one issue- when he had broken the third rule. it was difficult to pinpoint, equivalent to pointing out one specific grain of sand on an endless beach.

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Thunderstruck Chapter 1

Feign contemplated and analyzed the pokemon before saying "then, why are you here?" "you see i have this innate gift to sense others emotions, even from a distance.

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Sister Struggle Part One

In front of cyrene were some mobian dogs, to which she couldn't help but contemplate that some of them were cute as she stared down at them.

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Sister Struggle Part One

In front of cyrene were some mobian dogs, to which she couldn't help but contemplate that some of them were cute as she stared down at them.

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Daroach with the Most

Just a mild bit of reflective contemplation. of course as with most bouts of reflective contemplation the following banal observations were inevitable.

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"The Devil's Marvel" --Prologue--

He commented after a contemplative pause. his eyes didn't leave her for a second as she went to fiana to talk to her, clearly uncomfortable with the place.

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Colt of the Cloth (Ch.2)

He was in the middle of contemplating how to position himself when he heard the priest-side door open, and a hefty figure sit in the seat.

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Wolf River - Chapter 3

The alternative was just too disturbing to contemplate. the lines on his face tightened as he set the coffee mug down beside him.

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