A Striped Tail Chapter 9: Danger in the Alley

"depends on if you actually know how to use that dinky little sword cane." he set the briefcase down against the wall. quite a lot of nobles thought they could cut down people with those, but the ones they had had were more for show.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 20

I didn't come all the way out here to sit around some dinky campfire, looking pitiful!" dekori slapped him again, this time right across the ear. it burned and throbbed in the freezing cold. "i want to leap over walls, torjo! i want to burn down homes!

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Kumão e Kuminho.

During massages, it's common for him to use "daddy" instead of "dad" or "dinkie" instead of "dink". the small one had a shaky voice now, was clawing the ground, but was still dripping. he continued to moan, louder each time.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter7

And, of course, i watched as that goddamn machoke and his dinky, little pistol opened up will's throat into an erupting spray of gore.

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Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 2

Lex felt himself moving as if in a hurry towards the bad in the dinky little room. someone came tromping through the house towards where lex was. the sound was angry and the person's voice was going on about something, but lex couldn't make it out.

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Vadim, Chapter 11: The Palace

The fox smashed through the dinky parking gate and then slowed down as he cruised through the underground lot. "well team, good job." vadim told them. "things got a bit intense back there haha." phil nodded and yelled from the back.

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And not just one of those dinky little hole-in-the-wall closets or anything, no, this place is _massive_. some of the stuff they sell comes from the usual candy distributors, but a lot of it is made on-site.

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Back to Daycare Ch. 1

His little dinky was as hard as always, and just like always he was coated from tailbase to cock tip in mess. as she was watching, his cocklet set off with pee going up into the air, which she quickly covered with the front of the diaper.

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Undercover Observations

Towards a neat and dinky tailhole of matching colour. she was definitely on heat, being nicely swollen. in fact, i could smell it. my imagination naturally ran amok at this sight and with this thought.

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Now he was stuck in my dinky little ship, but he's free. anywhere in the universe was at his call, err, as long as i had gas money. my hand started flopping. oh, great, i was softening up with all this thinking.

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Reckoning Moon part 2

Now the crazy bastard was sitting on my lap as we fled the police on a dinky little scooter. "hey," i shouted directly into his ear. "do you think you could let me go? i promise i won't say anything." "hold on tight.

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An Outing

A six foot something tiger with a dinky baby rodent in her arms. in nothing but bulky baby diapers, pacifier, flowery, pink t-shirt, and.. light-up sneakers, the little albino hamster was obviously just another baby.

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