Dogs of War - Chapter 10 - Artifice of Will, Artifice of War.

"mental discipline, it was something of a science in old xarbydis." replied mallear "the mind is a weapon, as potent as any blade, there was a time when those most skilled warriors were taught using methods similar to this in order to draw out their latent

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Fixing the First Mistake

The second part of the story- more to come, eventually! Again, this is vile, mid waroping stuff, featuring sex, transformation, and bodily distortion, and should not be read by the squeamish. ...

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Six: A Flashback?

Devlin opened his eyes and yawned, stretching out his arms. He then looked over to his side to see Eros sleeping next to him peacefully. He chuckled softly then got out off the bed. She was still there. After a week of not having sex, she was still...

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.** **prowl and perceptor had taken their captive to the holding cells for further interrogation, leaving red to discipline ironhide.** **red alert roughly shoved the red mech off his spike and hauled hip to his pedes, "i think a good hard police spanking

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Ch. 5. Meeting the Queen

The first red rays of the predawn sun were just peeking past the horizon when Chiriki woke Leo up to take him back to the dungeon. Leo yawned as he walked behind her--unrestrained, which was probably against protocol. At this hour, the chill of the...

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Locker Trouble

It was a beautiful friday afternoon, warm and bright with the slightest hint of a breeze carrying the scent of morning's wet grass and early barbeque. It was the kind of day meant to be spent outside, wrapped in the heat of the sun with a cool...

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Her first Domination

I'm writing a dragon story, and this is a 'maybe' scene that I want to toss in, but dont know if it'll fit. We'll see...but here it is. Drip. Drip. Drip. The brackish water from the swamps far above on the surface was bleeding slowly through...

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Verlust der Freiheit I

Copyright by Sturmfeder 2004 Diese Geschichte darf jederzeit privat kopiert und weitergereicht werden, solange das Copyright gewahrt bleibt und die Geschichte in keiner Weise verändert wird. Eine Veröffentlichung oder das Einstellen in...

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