Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 6

His speed was his downfall, for as he pulled back for a corrective strike, vibra's beak caught and pulled. the stimulus told her predator mind that her prey was struggling, triggering her to rip with her neck muscles.

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Wolf Lovin'

Wolf moves slower than normal against fox, which is fox's downfall. he moves just like normal against wolf, but he misses with every punch and kick he throws towards wolf. wolf's blows on the other hand keep connecting with fox's body.

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The down-full of something pure!

But the way humanity was destroying the world had drove the pair to seek retribution and so the downfall was here as they longed out in front of the couple but instead of running they looked at what was myth and in doing so they looked

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Selfish, needy and constantly begging for more, we are the downfall. the world is our oyster, but it also depends on us. and we shove it away, never thinking about the damage we are causing.

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31 (DSV Nautica) Cerebri

The downfall came in the crews ability to pilot the ship. the dragons were the only race that could seriously threaten these ships. their will allowed for them to cut right though this reinforcement with ease, something the ayr'een learned the hard way.

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Team Rocket's Big Break

Especially your wobaffet jessie, that thing has led to our downfall more times than i can count with it popping out everywhere." jessie stared at meowth for a while then stared at james. "i don't know.

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The Presentation

"this guitar led to the downfall of the elder race- the ones who lived before the federation.

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S1 Ep12 Rival Battle

Time for your shadow downfall" kage's beast form started charging up something. "h-hey not b-before you fall to my mirror's illusion !" responded akira shaking a bit out of nervousness.

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From Bad To Worse

#9 of rising downfall the eight installment of rising downfall. what will happen with guil when he is in self doubt?

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The Human Species Ch.9 - Hopeless Romantic Rukario

I always told you it'd be your downfall, now it seems it's become the downfall of us all!" "..." "you know what is at stake here, and you let it live!?" "... how do we know that killing it is the only way?

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Chapter 27: Fucking (the) Mongrel

"before she decides anything," added keetara, "she wants to look into the eyes of the one who caused our downfall." they both glared at keme, and he felt a shiver go down his spine. caused their downfall?

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 55

It was a downfall. a downfall of his own dignity. the line he feared to cross was already behind him.

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