Like Ivory and Ebony Chapter 3

It was the usual 'loser' or 'retard', with a few more eccentric ones thrown in here and there.

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The Raven's Shadow: Chapter One

Most of the work i do is for eccentrics, with more money than sense. the choice of time was a bit odd. usually if you are meeting covertly in a bar you want it to be crowded so nobody notices you.

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After Dinner (for Luso Pakak)

It didn't bother the corgi though, who was used to such eccentricities and who besides which was still wearing his trusty green cap indoors "you enjoyed your food then?" he asked, his physique belying his smooth baritone voice.

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Affurmation Chapter 2: Not-So-Ancient History

Yet, as taylor picked his way carefully through the throng of students, he noticed that everyone had their own style at scarborough, and nobody seemed even the slightest bit perturbed by the more eccentric styles.

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The Creation Of Xrohne Chapter #1

Even more curious was the way they looked, they both had kind of squinty like eyes and a long pointy nose, (a trait he would soon realise that all of them had) they both had hair the colour of cream, and their clothing choices were, as to put it, eccentric

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020 The Hybrazeal Arcology

._ "_already seen as a place of exile, somewhere that attracted the different and the strange, hybrazeal embraced the different and, attracting strange and eccentric talent, soon flourished in an age where bizarre and inspired vision was now more valuable

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Patience of the Thief

The duke, in contrast, was a eccentric middle-aged raccoon, wearing such flowing and billowing clothes that he nearly disappeared inside of them.

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Chapter 22 - From the Desk of Mordecai Crossbell - American Division (part 4)

I generally did not engage with the inventors when i hired them -- i had people who were better trained to manage their eccentricities. tesla seemed to be one of those men who lived in his own world. "thank you for coming, mr.

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Beast in the Ivory Tower (preview)

Janowitz also mentioned...ya know," he stalled, "your eccentricities." "my eccentricities?" "yeah.

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Eben kent couldn't help but think his employer was a touch on the eccentric side. "i want six cheetahs. male. between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five. they're too damn rare on the market, which is why i need you.

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Transit Tunnel Terrors

On the train travelling to center city from frankford transportation center are three hybrids sitting in the front most bench in the first car who are their way to the eccentric factory just off of spring garden street as all this happens.

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 11

Though robbie could be a grouchy, pain in the ass at times, he was still very entertaining too, especially when he was around his eccentric family.

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