A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 2 [Archives]

Breyer had gasped, and looked to jade with more tears welling in her eyes. jade only smiled back cheekily, as if to say, "aren't we a little spoiled brat hmm? all this for you!"

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Movie Night Distractions

jade would have to see the movie again just to catch the stuff she missed because of those two but it was worth it at least. the rest of the movie would go by relatively smoothly while jade enjoyed her snacks and drink.

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Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (chapter four)

Radar gets up off the bed and looks through jade's suitecase, pulling out a few pieces of paper. jade's eyes widen. her sketches! no! jade lets out a small whimper, hoping her friend won't find anything too bad.

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Moving On

Trace slowly walked over to jade. "jade..." trace went to his knees besides jade. "i'm so sorry..." jade smiled. "i've never seen you cry; not even when mom and dad died..." "i just wanted to be the stronger one, jade.

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ShadowPaw and The Elemental Stones

"jade," pine meowed," you and ash better get back to camp, get that wound seen to," he nodded towards the cut above jade's eye. "sure," jade replied, "i'm on my way, come on ash!"

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 9

"i don't understand jade." "what i am saying lapis is that we need a male donor." jade explains lapis gives her a confused look. "a male...donor?" jade nods.

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Archer smiled warmly as jade relaxed and began to purr happily, his eyes were half closed slits his paws kneaded archer's chest as jade drank.

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Hungry Like the Wolf

He let out a howl as he did so, and jade felt the proud sound reverberate through his cock and into her body. jade felt the knot enter her and begin to balloon even wider than it already had been.

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Mother and Father, Episodes 01 - 18

." - jade ep. 1-05 four weeks after jade and ish leave their village.


Behind Locked Doors: Round One

"sorry, jade," the fox apologised, her voice muffled by the duvet. jade's eyes flared open in annoyance before finding their way back to elise, settling somewhere around her midriff as jade's playful smirk returned.

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Joining The Family

jade was getting frustrated. "i'm serious too... seriously in love." jade grabbed hold of ken's shoulder and yanked him down. "what the hell, jade!?" ken yelled as his head was brought next to jade's mouth.

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