The Witch's Kiss
So why mope when you could help me cure this plague?"
Chapter 50: The Hidden Village of Renamon
"you were once a human and become a digimon because of the plague." al simply nodded because it is a fact. "you also have the power of the plague and you use it for good." al nodded again. "the human said that you can actually see the plague itself."
Reaper: Hades - Chapter 8
"and shouldn't you two being managing the plague or something?" the two officers exchanged glances, all their mirth fading. "our efforts to contain the plague aren't working," sherry said grimly.
The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 29: Darkest Before Dawn
Can they fire the final solution and stop the plague? find out for yourselves!
Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Insatisfaction Plagues Donichus
**The following novella was written as a collaborative effort between myself and Dragonatic for the People. Project started March 2010. All characters and content are copyright to their respective owners.This series will only be made available for...
Tales of the past, A compolation of short stories: Tale One
"god has abandoned us, the sun is just an illusion from a dying god struggling to keep in power...there is no sun it has been destroyed by the darkness which plagued this land long ago."
Evil Bethlhem
Faceless people plagued my sight as a troop of men and women were led to the horrors that waited below the smoking chimney. why is there so much hatred, so much suffering?
A Patient Death 01: Descending
A plague of madness is burning through the northwest, and while that only gets worse the nobility have gotten so use to a state of war they can't imagine anything else.
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Third Interlude
Whether what he deduced was correct or not still has to be proven but what we _do_ know is that no _biological_ solution will get rid of the plague."
The authorities spread the belief that rats are responsible for the plague that's devastated the land.
Ancient Scriptures
Angered further by their actions, the gods unleashed a plague upon the great dragon city. many would die of sickness, others would turn against each other. their extinction was inevitable.
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 5
We would've just gone another year with the plague!" "when they came here, things got worse!" jacob sighed inwardly, realising a fight was inevitable.