Krystal Captive
"star fox krystal, welcome aboard, i am captain luke," he said as he showed her a poster.** ** the blue vixen glanced at the poster, her picture was printed on the poster with the wordings: wanted!
[Gift] Lunar Eclipse Love
The black shepherd was known as a major troublemaker and has his face pasted on wanted posters through the cities. he walks up to the poster and grabbed to take a closer look at his mug shot and bounty. "heh... my head is up to $50,000?
Star Zero episode 1
~both james hold poster boards saying 'help us' and 'we'll pay you if you do'~ \*kazufox\*: no problem, right guys? \*both james\*: (hide posters) yeah...sure, no problem. \*girl\*: who are you guys anyways?
True to Yourself Ch. 2
Says on the poster they start in an hour." he said reassuringly. i gave him a pound and headed out, snagging my sketchpad and the poster from him while he was occupied.
Equestrian Wars: Rise of Carthage pt. 1- Prelude to War.
The most common of these propaganda posters was a large poster of princess celestia, the leader of equestria standing like a gargantuan over a small innocent anthro couple with blood and devil's eyes on her as she was shooting lighting from her unicorn horn
Good Morning Mistress
Most of her form is covered by a large poster board sign that she holds up. "good morning mistress!", the sign reads in handwritten marker.
A Fleeting Moment PART 1 (Monitor Lizard TF Story) [Commission]
Encouraged, i challenged myself to another depiction of the lizard from the poster, this time showcasing its entire body traversing down the trunk of a tree.
Good Enough Chapter 27
From the dark atmosphere in the poster, to the font of the letters and the large spider in the corner. undoubtedly, it was a beautiful poster. "i like it," thomas said, looking over damien's shoulder. "think i'll try to get some people to go too."
Midget Love
Her room was lavish with stuffed bears and girly posters. her walls were a calm pale pink and her bed was a darker pink with beautiful pillows. it was a four poster with curtains and every thing.
Naomi was taller, and his room was pretty big, though it was the same as it always was; toys in boxes, posters and pictures, a little chalk mark on the wall for his height.
Black and White and Red All Over
She wore nothing but a red towel with the porsche logo emblazoned upon one corner, and red text beneath the poster invited the viewer to 'take her for a ride'. he stumbled along while taking in a few of the new posters, making his way into the bathroom.
Valentine's Special - Clarion's Dream
Clarion went to put the poster up on the wall in the only space big enough for it before he turned to the dress and to the television.