Emulation Practice: Upstate Doggo

At his natural size, the greatest threat Harris posed was his incessant barking, however harsh on the ears that was. Christine permitted this behavior when she had guests over; she perceived in it no demonstrable harm. By stark comparison, Harris's...

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Emulation Practice: Macro Cricket

#3 of writing exercises i'm trying to practice using other authors' styles, in this case, william faulkner's. and the sun burned deep amber patches around his face, and patches of beard hair singed from the heat.

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Detail Practice: Moto Mania

Then, suddenly having a magnificent idea, added, "i'll get some practice right away."

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Chapter 20 - Practical Medicine

The Gerudo fortress was impregnable to all but the craftiest of thieves and even those few eventually got caught. Guards were stationed at every known corner of the compound to prevent entry to their private domain. It was built and carved into the...

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Practical Sexuality - A Guest Lecture

. :3 **practical sexuality - a guest lecture** now weeks into their course on practical sexuality, the class was no longer nervous as the lesson began.

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After School Practice 1

As the school day was coming to a close few furries stayed in the gym to get a little extra in before heading out. As usual Chris, the big dog on the team was there doing bench as well as Sean, an equally as strong dog. Sean with his...

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Quickie # 2.5 Killer Practice

Joey swirled his body around, resting his body on his knees as his face meet the tiger's crotch which was muskier than the locker room after today's practice. one of vance's paws was holding the back of joey's head, pushing him forward slightly.

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Quickie #2 Killer practice

But enough details about my background, i have things to complain about, like today's practice. i swear i'm going to keel over and lose consciousness any second now, just you wait. god, just smite me.

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practical applications of psychic powers

Psyche was roving the grounds, or more accurately the gigantic meta sequia in the garden. His recent de-evolution to his ancient ancestor the centipede made this very simple. "Wonderful just when I think I am well adjusted I get turned in to a...

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Ch1 : A lesson of radiology by practice

Everything You read there is just fiction. This didn't happened really. There's no similarities to real persons/humans/furs. I'm going to tell You a story. A story of brave men. A story of men who risked their lives to complete...

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Practically Twins: Part 3

#3 of practically twins the final part! sorry it took so long. real life punched me in the face. hope you enjoy! salinger leaned forward on the toilet, the plastic nozzle in his rump causing him no discomfort now.

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