Knight on a White Charger
"psychopath." "actually, he seems more like a sociopath to me." dr. tennant said. "the difference being...?" "control. a psychopath is a control freak while a sociopath is more spontaneous. look at everything he's done. it's basically random."
The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Four
I now scratched out the note that he was a stalker and replaced the word 'stalker' with 'psychopath'.
Experimenting with Inflation
It could lead to some psychopath!" "i don't think 'psychopath' is the best descriptor," a voice said as the door flew open. the three friends all jumped in response as the door revealed a figure standing before them.
#1 Dad
"i hope you don't grow up to be a psychopath or something." "you're a psychopath!" dave shouts. "and i'm already an adult you idiot." "don't you talk to your father like that!"
The Draconian Story: Chapter 14
He always said his mother was a psychopath and really enjoyed torturing him. also, he claimed he got that unique whole body chain-like tattoo from his deceased father when he was around 8, or so since he never been so sure.
Gotta Catch 'Em All...? (Vore)
In went your chest, followed soon by your meaty thighs, she pulled you further in, lifting her head up high, you rose, feet up in the sky, kicking and thrashing the air like a psychopath.
The Beginning of an End
He was just an insane psychopath! shadow: i know...but perhaps he was right...look at the facts. the world is bound to enter another war here soon...possibly another that could reduce the population of earth to drastic levels. .........
A Dream: An Alternate Reality
When placed in society, it quickly developed into a completely unhinged psychopathic mentality. the fury and rage so pure, that it faces off against any opposing ignorance with little regard to self and life.
Sharp Shooter-Chapter 6-Second Chance
Their beliefs are that of psychopaths, their hearts are made of dirt, their eyes contain no mercy for the ones they kill. i'm all to familiar with them. you've heard the horror stories, we all have.
Sharp Shooter-Chapter 5-Vision
Their beliefs are that of psychopaths, their hearts are made of dirt, their eyes contain no mercy for the ones they kill. i'm all to familiar with them. you've heard the horror stories, we all have.
Sharp Shooter-Chapter 1- The Station
Their beliefs are that of psychopaths, their hearts are made of dirt, their eyes contain no mercy for the ones they kill. i'm all to familiar with them. you've heard the horror stories, we all have.
Astral High - Chapter 44
Every day i need to remind myself that it's a good thing they know about magic, that it's good that they'll be better prepared for the end than the psychopaths who'll try to destroy anything and everything." "oh..."