Combat Vignette 6
?This had certainly been an odd day at work for me. I'm an artist and because I work in a lot of lurid and food fields, I'm used to some...unusual clients, and even more unusual forms of payment. I've received sex toys, condoms, sexual favours...
Combat Vignette 5
?In retrospect, Jane and Ashley probably should have seen the predicament they were in coming from quite a long ways away. When their friend Nusko invited them to the lavish lair of Cody, a well-known and quite voracious predator, they should have...
Family for the Holidays
Now in his mid 40s, the casual predator couldn't help but smile as he saw his boy grow into a fine young ham., man. the predatory instincts never fully subsided, but at least he knew that his boy was one of a kind.
Spending Spree
A fun idea about casual predation and a hungry vixen that turned into a sweet tale of pred/prey love and a whole lot of meat being bought. enjoy!