
My heart was pounding, I was cornered my palm bleeding from the rocks jabbing into it. Scuttling backwards into a wall was the one thing id hope not to have done and yet her I was. Covering my face with my arms trying to calm my breathing. It wasn't...

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Draconic Mischief

By the time the knight reached the summit, both could already hear echoing footsteps coming from the dark cavern set into the mountain's face behind them. the knight's drawn sword turned away from the woman and towards the cavern entrance instead.

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The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

The tunnel opened up all of a sudden into a colossal limestone cavern set in golden hues of stone, a massive feature that had been carved and hollowed out over many, many centuries before xigfeldo's time on the earth had even come to be.

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Chapter 2

As for the next part, she uncoiled herself from around him and picked him up in her foreclaws with a soft churr, holding him in a way that he could be assured he wouldn't fall, and landed, as always, back feet first, on the ledge of the cavern, setting him

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Lyren's Feast [CM]

"heh, i beg to diff-" the thief was cut-off by the sound of an animal crying out, causing them all to shift their gazes to the entrance of the cavern before them now at the peak of the mountain, the dark cavern set in a deep green glow from somewhere deeper

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You Don't NEED Those

A massive cavern, set in such a way that it could not possibly exist under the lodge so close above it, and yet it was. and at the far end of the chilly cave... a dragon. deep blue wings and bluer scales still.

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In a place, far, far from here...

She would need them when she could safely bring him to the hot spring, deeper in the cavern. setting up a fire was quick and easy with everything he had left here.

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Cloud and Drey 3

"that was three at the same time and the other two i had to track down later," drey added as he walked in the cavern setting his catch in the middle of the group. "drey your back!"

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