A Die-Hard Cubs' Fan, or Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 7
There had now been several years of peace in Eastfallon. Word had gottenaround that the present ruler was not someone to be trifled with.Tales were told over and over until they were exaggerated in everysideways direction. The truth needed no...
Green eyed daughter
He was so stimulated, her fur against his body and her green eyes staring into his, he didn't think he would las much longer, and then her tails came up to brush against his cheek and she let out a low growl.
No one knew - Captured and abused
She tries to hold her vibrant green eyes open, but her face even hurts more then before and she feels her body grows tired. that yellow sign grows bigger now and blinks. **medical attention needed!
A new chapter: Part 2; New body, new experiences
A thug cried before her emerald green eyes snapped open. spinning out of the clubs strike, she caught his arm in the chains before throwing him over onto his back, striking him with her foot to send him to dream world.
Green Eyed Daughter- Mecho and Karen
[http://www.matingdvd.com/mating/pics/dog/dingos-mating.jpg](http://www.matingdvd.com/mating/pics/dog/dingos-mating.jpg) "Kiri?" Kiri's room was dark as the door opened and a small fuzzy figure slipped inside whispering her name. Karen had...
Green Eyed Daughter - The meditation of Lilly
Mecho, Kiri, Karen, Jade, Lily and the Captain were all outside on the veranda watching the sun go down. The Captain and Jade were both reviewing files on the upcoming mission. "So this upcoming mission what you think it will be about?" Jade said as...
Green Eyed Daughter - The new Family
"Mecho!" Jade called to the young bear boy playing with Karen and Kiri. "it's time to go girls." The captain said. "Ok Sir I'll see you on the next checkups." The Captain saluted the General and the nwalked off to the jeep waiting by the gate. "So...
Green Eyed Daughter -Teddy bear.
The Captain walked into a large white room filled with all sorts of shiny dangerous looking equiptment. He walked beside the general towards a room in the back. His blood chilled as he heared a high pitched puppy whine. "What sort of tests are they...
Penelope Clark Reference and Information.
She has fiery red hair that reaches to her shoulders and deep green eyes. as with most deer, she has antlers, which start out as short umber nubs, but branch off and become lighter in colour as the year passes.
Green Eyed Daughter - Wetness by the water tank.
--Quick update guys, sorry about the long time between posts we are in the process of a buyout at work new bosses new shit to put up with. Lilly the sexy tiger has joined us, Kirin the cat loves to fuck and Karen well she likes little bear boys :D....
Chapter Nine -- Jealousy, The Green-Eyed Monster
#9 of the miyatsu file chapter nine -- envy, the green-eyed monster the circuit hotel was a pleasant surprise after the depressing greyness of the hospital.
Red Fur, Green eyes, Suicidal tendencies.
A pair of hollow, green eyes stared back and unkempt hair ran amok all over a scrawny body. the squirrel in the mirror did not look healthy. in fact, he looked like he was on the verge of collapsing.