Time of War Chpt 5

#### Scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| Kicking in the front door to an abandoned, two male lucario entered, one holding a suppressed ACR assault riffle, the...

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Differentials: Part 6 - Morning Assignment

It was a word from the ancient irish language meaning 'foxglove flower'.

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Behind the Shearing Shed | Entree+ Sized Commission

The term of endearment, long since burned into the irish language, felt perfectly appropriate as niamh plunged his trusty work knife straight into fia's throat.

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The Girl in the Crystal Blue Water

"my folk invented the irish language. i said that it was too bad that you didn't know more. your people are diverse and yet you dwell on trying to be the same; what's the word oh yes; homogenous." "i suppose so. but what of your people?

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