Alistair and the All-Purpose Umbrella: Episode 1: Chapter 1

The mad man aimed his weapon at his fellow constable's face, "where is alistair?"

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Reality Re-Wired - Chapter 2: Moving Forward Into The Unknown [CM]

W held out to him, his finger suddenly pressing on his nose once while the mad man laughed, "boop! haha, such fun! didn't see that coming did ya?!"

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This mad man. for i have seen the world. and all i can say is time may be a river. but chaos is an endless see. until you accept chaos. there will be no harmony. so. welcome to my eternity.

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The human way

They call me a mad man. they say i broke him in half. from the inside out. they say my mind snap. let lose the animal from with in. the fire benath my skin melt away the restraints from with in. my mind was quick as my body could be.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)

He scrambled like a mad man to find his jacket in the dark, hoping there would be more information for him to learn about himself than just his own name. he quickly found what felt like a phone.

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Excerpt of "Brooklyn Blackie and the Unappetizing Menu" from Inhuman Acts, a FurPlanet book

Custom made with nails melted down from the scraps of the mad man's surrendered men with leathers that had been earmarked for gun holsters. i'd fought a war for these shoes. well, these shoes and my best friend. "these are my lucky shoes."

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Prima Nackt

Sing your melody to those listening to this mad man's words. as you have sung to me. wise raven in majestic flight. with sparkling black feathers, he soars with ever-watching eyes.

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Requiem of the Blue Moon

Besides you had to kill that mad man, if you hadn't, there's no telling what he would have done to us. i know that you wouldn't hurt any of us." amy said smiling.

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He sped up after his quarry, grinning like a mad man, as he caught sight of her leaning against an oak, panting trying to regain her breath. 'marie, oh, sweet marie!

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Maire-chapter four

Tabitha beings to grin like a mad man. "i do say maire, they did give you a body that looks so cute in anything you wear.

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I was a mad man drooling, i can remember shouting at the boy, is this what you wanted? over-and-over again as i buggered him. maybe he did want it, i don't know.

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