Master's Privilege

The monastery gate rose up out of the swirling blizzard as Diba trudged up the snowy mountain path. It was not every day that one received a personal invitation from the monks, though the rat had to admit that it wasn't unexpected. He had been training...

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Dhryn and the Warhound (part 3)

A distinct feline yowl was heard off to the side from the kennel-master's apprentice. apparently, the 'nursing' pup had found quite the sweet spot, and was currently driving the teenaged leonin absolutely wild.

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Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 3)

She was starting to develop feelings for him beyond their master/apprentice relationship, and she wasn't sure how to deal with those feelings. sure, she'd been attracted to others before, but those were almost completely different situations.

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 10

She's taken to loving my master's apprentice, who she said is a lot better at pleasing her." the dragoness smirked, her tail brushing against spyro's side. "you poor little thing... loosing your girl like that." "no... n-no... it- it can't be true!"

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The Shapeshifter: Part V

"i'm terribly sorry, master apprentice, but if your friend was captured out here, i can guarantee that he's no longer human." "no longer human?" elliot repeated, his voice dangerously quiet as tannal felt fury rising up in him.

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The Dragon's Apprentice

master/apprentice relationships were extraordinarily rare, given how embarrassing it would be to the magi should their ward underperform.

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The Blacksmith's Apprentice -- Chapter 1

As my master's apprentice, i undertook the daily drudgery which he deemed unworthy of his time and skill. i spent my days repairing armor, forging arrowheads, sharpening swords, and listening to customers gripe about prices which i had no control over.

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The Shapeshifter: Part III

"ah, master apprentice elliot," he said kindly. "it's good to see you out and about; and with a familiar - " elliot brushed that aside. "sir, do you have any news?" he said quickly. "about tannal?" gallan sighed heavily.

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The Shapeshifter: Part VI

"master apprentice sari," tannal said, moving out of the way, bowing. "i'm sure elliot will be pleased to see you. please, come in." he watched the silver fox smoothly pad past him as he followed his mistress. "i'll go get him."

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Story Break-Patch Notes and Lore Part

apprentices can get a max of 3 chevrons, a mage gets a bar, and a max of three chevrons, a master get's a frame.


Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.12 The Path of Sin: Valefor

Ashlin kuroaki, the last student of a nameless samurai master, apprentice to sephiroth felt in the depths of his soul that the end was coming sooner than he would like it too.

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Book III: The Bonds of Destiny

He had been taken on as his master's apprentice, growing skilled in the dark one's own dark powers. "i wish you to find and observe these creatures," his master said. "pay special attention to the white one. i sense something strange about him.

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