Leviathan Chapter Eleven: Hunting or Hunted?
**Leviathan: Chapter Eleven** Hunting or Hunted? By Shalion Leviathan was forced to continue swimming near the surface of the water even after she entered the wider ocean, the endless water around her a relief despite the ongoing pain of her...
Chapter 9: The World Eater
"long ago, in this snowy land, there is a story of four world eaters.
The World Eater - Chapter 1: The Misguided Planet
#1 of the world eater please tell me your thoughts. there will be more. "it started three days ago." came the voice of a young, teenager male. "a new moon showed up in our sky."
Dark Origins
These first few of their kind were created to be able to hunt and kill these world eaters, to adapt to any situation that may arise. it worked quite well. the spread of the world eaters was stopped and even reduced.
The Arrogance of Alduin [Commission by Draconicon]
So the world-eater opened his maw and whispered. the cutting sound left his lips, and a rip opened in the side of the spiraling vortex. heat poured through, and he threw himself out.
The Arrogance of Alduin
So he was silent - or as silent as he could be - as deathwing rocked himself back and forth, gradually grinding that little bit more of his rod deeper into the world-eater's rump.
chapter 11: The Gathering of the Veterans
There, tell anyone or anything you meet about the world eaters." "understood."
Dovah's Devotion
Alduin, the world eater. he is very much considered a living god, both by nords that worship and fear him, and by other dragons that follow his example. dragons are superior. dragons are meant to dominate.
Chapter 21: With All our Strength Combined...
"you might be the world eater, but this world is far bigger than your title might suggest," said gordon.
Slave of Alduin Prologue
At the throat of the world, when dovakiin and alduin the world eater had a final battle. "zu'u balaas hin ahkrin, nu dir."(i admire your courage, now die) alduin said, mocking dovakiin, weakening him with his words.
Chapter 19: The New Age
"tell everyone that the world eaters are coming!!" exclaimed shirdan.
The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium
However, with my slaying of the world eater, alduin, opinions changed. people started to campaign for rights and the jarls of solitude, whiterun, markarth and riften, respectively, passed decrees permitting khajiit into their holds.