Solace ? Graciano

, all joined the army, except karab, he came with us through the armenian army.

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Solace y Graciano

, all joined the army, except karab, he came with us through the armenian army.

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The Sleigh Team

A few other languages joined in; german from elias, armenian from ruben, an sweedish from lukas, and not a single note from any of them were in anything resembling a key.

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Nicky September and the Russian Widow

I knew that the third precinct had two sergeants under russia, a couple detectives on yakuza payroll, and their captain was taking money from both the irish and the armenians.

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Part 9 A goddess appears?

The greeks called me hera, the armenians anahit, the hindus sashti." she said quietly. "i am all of them yet i am none of them." danica shook her head. "but how?" the figure laughed lightly. "you ask a goddess how?

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 19: Intercultural Festival

The philippine booth and indian booth somehow managed to bring a tree, while kazakh, turkmen, azerbaijani, and armenian booths featured their own traditional patterns in the entrance, much like his own. honestly, this was amazing.

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Life is hard when your diary goes missing...

Aaron's name comes from an armenian word that i believe means lion cub; goryoun\>gerun\>aaron if you don't like paws, you're in luck, the next part will have less paws and more sexings. but what are you doing reading if you don't like paws?

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A simple story II part 2

« dad has armenian origins, and mommy is jewish. her family came from hungary. i think it was in the 1920s. - they had the chance to get out at the right time ... - you said it.

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Part 12, Findings

"that's right, 'the greeks called me hera, the armenians anahit, the hindus sashti.' that was it!" she said smiling. "though, i prefer the name hariti." doctor kagan mouth dropped open. "i-i th-thought they were pulling my leg..."

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The Finland Express - Part 3 - The Empty Land

"that's armenian, isn't it?" "yes, my mother was armenian; my father was french." he told her his real surname. she said it alone then together with his first name. "isn't that somewhat obscene in english? when said together like that?"

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Misadventures of Ganymede Van Helsing

A turkish necklace, more like something armenian-like, dangled around the monster's neck. "uhm...." a huge, deep sniffing inhale along his hair was followed a deep and fast series of "hnnff! hnf-hnf-ssnf!-nhf-hnf! fffffhhh!"

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He said to his officers, "who today remembers the armenians?" "armenians?! who are they?!" "exactly. the man who said that was an adolf hitler, in regards to the genocide of the armenien population by the turkish people and military.

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