Southlands: Artion

The arena always smelled like beer and filth. The hawkers that the city's dragon-lords hired to bring in spectators and curious travellers would tell you that the smell of the arena was blood and sweat. That was all well and good for the gladiators in...

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Greywood: Monster

"Idiotic tactics." Ahani muttered to herself, dropping her longbow in the tall grass of the Northland plains and reaching back with a piece of twine to tie her brown hair out of her eyes. She remained crouched there among the tall grasses, watching the...

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Greywood: Emasa

Somewhere in the surge of dominance and power that Emasa was feeling, she harbored a bundle of thrashing nerves. As her small hunting pack strode out of the treeline into the clearing they shared with the other wolves, she could not feel more powerful....

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Greywood: Ahani

Ahani awoke at dusk, her eyes snapping open as her body became aware of the time. She kicked off the blanket of furs that cocooned her, sending her entire chain-and-fur hammock swinging with the motion. She didn't even mind the shifting center of...

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Greywood: Cael

Cael climbed the jagged outer wall of his grotto, pulling himself over the lip of the natural dome and onto the surface of the golden plain that was his home. Pausing to stretch out all four of his limbs along the dirt, he ripped out small clumps of...

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Cael soared far above the forests he called his own, eyes closed, wings outspread, feeling the rush of air in his wake. His clawed limbs curled under him, half to make the flight easier, but half out of self-satisfied contentment. His hunt had been...

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Cael soared far above the forests he called his own, eyes closed, wings outspread, feeling the rush of air in his wake. His clawed limbs curled under him, half to make the flight easier, but half out of self-satisfied contentment. His hunt had been...

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Southlands: Luciva

"What have you had to contend with so far? I have only gotten out to one of these things, and I am not inclined to see another. Nasty business. Very nasty." Luciva sighed at the forgetfulness of her friend. Every single time she had come out of the...

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