The Bargain at High River
deagle, his father's master bard, had been his only steady companion through the years other than his father. where tutors and dignitaries came and went, deagle had been there throughout.
dinosaur island part 5
He reached down and drew his deagle, languidly checking the clip, and [another word i've forgotten.
dinosaur island part 2
Dave drew his deagle and fired in one smooth action, shooting it in the mouth.
The End Won't Faze Me -Chapter 1- Better Safe Than Sorry
The impact knocked my deagle from my grasp. i dropped down to grab it and realized that the object thrown at me was the upper torso of an infected panther. i vicious roar came from over the shelves.
Character Profile*: Dragon
Loadout(fighter): primary: ump.45 secondary: deagle melee: combat knife and element sword protection: kevlar vest and element shield explosives: 6 grenades and a c4 hidden in a satchel 1 bag for carrying gear when not in use \*this is subject to change
After the Bombs
Likely a revolver, unless it was a deagle. guns were her hobby before, and that pastime had served her well, knowing more about firearms than most, an invaluable skill in this violent new world. as she approached the dead rodent, her breath caught.
Kiss My Arse 7 - The Rescue from the Darkness
I flipped him off and pulled out my deagles, firing randomly into the darkness. i decided to retreat and ran into the corridor where he preceded to take flight and tackle me.
book part 1
Cal, like i said he's special, i didn't see what nicole grabbed but dakota grabbed his 5 ft sword, two deagles and a m16, wes grabbed some c4 and a scar.
dinosaur island part 3
Dave drew his deagle, pulling a flashlight attachment from a pocket and hooking it to the gun.
Dinosaur island part 5
Dinosaur island part 5 bullets tore up the plasterboard wall all around dave as he sailed through the air, quickly snatching up his deagle off the counter and sending a single, unbalanced, off aim shot in the general direction of the soldiers who were
An Advanced Reality
Three of them bought deagles, one did the same i did, flash, smoke, and helmet + vest. the fifth did a defusal kit, plus a cz. i smiled. "nice choice, mate.
The War ch1 A New Life
There was a loud k-boom of sound, then the disc was bathed in a band of white light, dylan instantly knew what it was and opened fire with his deagle, but the bullets glanced off, not even breaking through.