The Birth of Donas Dorna, the Demon Dragon
draconia hmms and agrees.
Slime Story: Unfinished
As for draconia, she appeared suddenly in an ocean. this ocean was different though, it was black and highly polluted with all sorts of toxins. but all this was unknown to draconia, whose only thought was to get up to the surface.
Down the Foxhole
Ixious draconia 2006
Second Chance
It all started when a group of space exploring humans landed on draconia, well more like crashed landed.
Black Hell Part 2
We talked for a solid hour on a dilemma that draconia was facing. it was an opposing galaxy that wanted draconia's prosperity and wanted to destroy its peace at the same time. he then discussed with me a partnership with skuz's legion.
The Draconian - Prolouge
My father's was bare from the beginning, seeing as the draconia clan's fighting techniques were mostly hand-to-hand and close quarters combat.
Black Hell Part 6
"well, since our battle with the verconians, draconia has been healing very well. all of the remaining forces were desolated.
Only The Tear's Know
Many years passed, and i built an organization that was respected around draconia. i saw a young girl who looked much like i did at her age. her eyes just sparkled as she watched us.
Kerescii Chapters: First Born (Introduction)
Within one of these islands called draconia, under one such starry night, a child was born.
To the Palace - Prologue
She could not afford to dwell on such things this night and she thus shook them off, for with the dawn would bring the day that she would be put up as the main attraction in the capital city of draconia: buaic alex ar, or, in common tongue, alex's peak.she
Black Hell Part 5
I didn't get very long to sleep, for it was only two mere hours before we were on the surface of draconia. the landing was very rough, however, for we had taken a shot from a verconian space cruiser when we first entered draconia's atmosphere.
Alpha Wolfio’s Origins By Alpha Wolfio
It would be a long journey to reach the rumored area where the jackalope was located last, which was the kingdom of draconia. that was her first venture into the realm of koziariel.