10KLY 0

exobiology. exolinguistics. anything about other worlds that i don't already know." "and you're sure this time?" kisara teased. "sure i'm sure. until the next time!" kisara grinned at that. "so what about you?"

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Isolation-Excerpt 20-Kojak Auqifier

Right now, the 300's telling me that all the bots are in the exobiology and gene splicing section of the lab. i'll see if i can hack into the camera's and i'll radio you if i find anything, but until then, martin is kill/capture."

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Die Sakura Chroniken Teil 02

Es wurmte ihn, dass ausgerechnet ein exobiologe die lage besser eingeschätzt hatte als er. „haben wir überhaupt die nötige ausrüstung für diese aufgabe an bord?" fragte peach der geologe. „das ist eine gute frage."

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The Peoples of Algol - Book I: Dual Initiation (Chpt 1&2)

My name is professor donathan rogers, head of exobiology in darwin and formerly head of extraterrestrial studies on novusvita for the tca.

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The Capture

He was the best medical officer in the military, with worldwide acclaims in exobiology, and he was being sent on an attack of one of the schlarrg's "bases" (they were really just places where the hive had grown into a large colony of sorts).

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 12

"great, i was planning to bring him since he's our expert in exobiology," charlie said. septimus practically bounced toward the door. if he'd been any more excited, i imagined he would've been squeaking.

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Snake Eyes

For the first time, exobiology class had started running late as students asked questions and got involved to the point where the teacher had to chase them out of his classroom... but now keon was back and everyone had gone quiet on the subject.

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Into This World

After all, that's how he'd climbed the ranks in genetech and been awarded the prestigious exobiology project. the company tended not to disclose what it was working on, but this project was especially hush-hush.

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SWAT Kats: Wolves of Arcanus, Arc Two

Introductory protocols prime directive rank order and command structure wotan additional orders and regulations not covered in arcanus space fleet regs general knowledge computer operation xenobiology: introductory basic astro theory, navigation, exobiology

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The Jaws of the Wolf

As the ship shuddered, as it continued to decelerate, i began to wonder if all the books i've read about exobiology were wrong.

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 23

Colorado state university, department of exobiology. bryan cyan and serena willow, 970-555-5555 ext 555. got it? if you need scans of our biology, ask me, and i will talk one of the younger children of the egg into allowing themselves to be imaged."

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