
Woke up this morn, got up, idea was on my plate No time to contemplate reach for the moon A sordid imagery forced within my face Undid time Counting days, countless nights independent Time erased, glass goldfish bowl cage On this solid...


Catch Me If You Can

Rusty is the quarry in an amateur radio foxhunt (appropriate, since he is a fox.) in the heat of the chase, an unexpected accident diverts the whole event.

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Chapter 65: Like Fire

The bandits preyed upon those foxhunters who were still foolish enough to enter the forest in search of fox prey.

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Chapter 39: Secret Brothers

He - and all former professional foxhunters - had been banned from etienne's court and thalsin itself for the king's own safety.

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Foxhunt Friday

[foxhunt friday]( ### like what you see? want to support my work? you can do so in a number of easy ways.

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Close Shave

In the intervening twelve months old man kennedy had tried to turn brown's killing into a foxhunt but the state magistrate intervened and quashed the charges.

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Fox Hunt 1

Fox hunt 1 - 2012-0824.2127 adult anthro characters, all text and situation (c)2012 kevin foxboy i woke up before dawn saturday to join my packmates for a foxhunt. as employees of the main line anthro hunt club, we were to be the hunt dogs.

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You got male

He picked up one of the books and read the title to himself, "foxhunt." he flipped through it and saw a well endowed fox lying on the ground with a white wolf standing over him.

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Chapter 61: Easing In

Florian came to maldoene intent on hiring a foxhunter under the table to hunt keshavi down and bring him back unharmed.

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Chapter 1: Princess Fang Lily

Because of the hounds and their endless foxhunt, the forest was dangerous. as future elder of the tribe, aina was expected to set an example. and so on and so forth went her father's lectures. aina had never listened before.

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Chapter 8

Let’s just get this done with… hell why don’t you just give me all the weapons and ammo you can spare and send me right into foxhunt hq! that’s what i am to you people isn’t it! i’m just a fucking super weapon!

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[Commission] The Foxtrot experiment

# "clearance name: agent 27 of task force foxhunt. permission to transport target to landa 23, sector 3." # "i hope all is to your liking, sir." "she looks like a fine specimen. strap her up and get her down to the cell.

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