Coming in the Hare Tonight

Lucas, a anthropomorphic lagamorph, works as an agent for a few high class and powerful movie stars. he juggles his busy work life with his romantic interests - his beloved life-partner, a human male called leo...

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Chapter Eight - Rain's Hands

The gentle pit pat of rain dances atop my umbrella, the distinct slosh of water beneath my boots accompanying me as I commute to the apartment complex I had found myself in four days prior. The previously majestic statues now seemed to be painted in a...

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Red Line

On the other end was a woman, young, mostly human, though with the ears and tail of a lagamorph hanging from her head and backside. her hair was long, blonde and straight, her eyes brown, and she had a very casual, indifferent look in her eye.

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Ménage À Trois?

Bunnies, rabbits, hares, lagamorphs of all kinds; they are all naturally small. he was used to being small. he was used to being overlooked. he was used to gazing upon others like they were titans among men. and she? _her?

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