Chapter 27: the fury of wolves past
"that morpher, where did it come from?" roen asks, fingering the original style of morpher.
Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 9
Keep an eye out for the morpher while i got get mike out of there. he's probably weakened. i don't think the morpher is here yet, so feel free to hang around after i leave with mike.
Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger Ch. 3
The morpher is bound to your dna, as serena told you. so, the only way i could remove you from the morphers memory would be to have it scan your body while you where dead." marcus sat as he took in the information.
Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger Ch. 2
As he pressed the button on the morpher that he pressed to morph in the first place. the morpher beeped, he was covered in a red light for a moment and then stood there in his military uniform he was wearing before he had morphed before hand.
Hypnovember - Day 10: Monsters
You wouldn't let pass the opportunity to be the only morpher with a unique creature, would you? and i know you're no weakling. only a skilled morpher can use the souls inside that bag," he pointed at the leather bag.
Chapter 24 : Rangers Displaced in time
Ace asked, fingering his morpher, "and then create a time paradox." alex started... fingering his own morpher on his wrist.
Chapter 22: dimensions in danger , Wolf Point under attack
Lunar q, wolf morpher, wolf shadow sabers .... combin!"
Chapter 30: A 6th Ranger discovery , Wolf Fury meet their match
Smiles at the now changed crimson morpher.
Malfunction [TSR]
Whipping out his patrol morpher, he activated it and was immediately bathed in a brilliant display of light, covering his entire body.
Chapter 11: The ugly chimera and the pack of wolves
Q, wolf's shadow , wolf morpher, combine!"
Chapter 25" Upon the exit , the Sages missing in action
Roen responds, flicking his wrist, his morpher appearing, alex doing the same his own morpher appearing on his wrist.
Chapter 32: the dark future , the Tragic Fate Of Wolf Fury
Lunar q, wolf morpher, wolf shadow sabers .... combin!"