TRON Expansion - Continuation

** _ written by: protoborg **one user may be the only thing to stand in the way between the vice virus and the real world.** this is set in a non-canon universe where a network of tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained

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A Little History

I was born into an ordinary family. I was nothing special. I hardly stood out from the rest of the people in my community. Well, at least not until the day I hit puberty. It has been speculated by many people that perhaps I created this fursona so that...

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Assimilated Part 2

After reading assimilated, a user on so furry named protoborg suggested that we do a colab. ([]( we decided to do two side to the same story.

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Assimilated Part 2

Hopefully protoborgs part will come soon. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* after our successful conquest of earth, my master, myself, and our ranks were united with the rest of our kind.

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A boy and his dog

I want to thank protoborg for editing the story for me. may 3rd, 6 pm, miller lake -- the shepherd boy sits on the edge of the pier, legs over the edge. the fishing pier sits serenely just a few feet above the water.

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Assimilated Part 2: Cyborgs Fight Back

After reading Assimilated, I thought a colab would be a good idea. whitecrow323 ([]( and I decided to do two sides to the same story. This is the story from the perspective of the...

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Summer sTrip

_The "adult" tag doesn't come up until near the end so be patient. The other tags are fairly in order from start to finish. This story is an entry in the "SummerAdventure" contest. Please enjoy it. Leave a comment. Fav it if you really like it._ Alex...

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Nanoshift (WIP)

> Proximity to planet: 30,000 kilometers > Decent speed: 1,000 kph > Approach vector: shallow > Status: Systems show green "Confirmed. Begin decent sequence on my mark." > "Affirmative. Awaiting command. Commencing decent on your...

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Summer sTrip 2

Erection Alex was enjoying the "scenery" as well as the slides. Fur watching was one of Alex's favorite pastimes. He especially like to see nice tight little packages and big chests. A tight little package WITH a nice chest was even...

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