Restart Life
The thing that grabbed his attention was the name the title of the website, "restart life." usually this title would be rather dull to him but something about it made him interested.
Restart Chp. 1
Heres a post on my chapter one of my second story series. Yeah, this chapter is also short. Kiba Radikal is my character. someone that i knew on a personal level in real life and he was someone really special to me, he helped me through a...
Reset Not Restart (a poem)
I'm drawn to it but I'm drawn to other things too. I failed but I'm not a failure. I feel bad for now but I will recover. I was doing well and can do so again. I relapsed but I learned. I lost but I became...
Restart / Alter Ego
#1 of computer games computer games #1 restart / alter ego tecleé lentamente la larga lista de dijitos hexadecimales, eran 32 dígitos, separados por dos puntos cada 4 dígitos, habían unos cuantos ceros que podría haber omitido dejándolo en blanco, pero
Chapter XXIV: 'Where do they all come from?'
"restart incorporated was an adoption agency, therefore they only dealt with minors.
Prologue - To Safeguard the Future
You are both completely insane if you think i'm gonna restart that project and if you're that determined you had better have a damned good reason for restarting it. \> tamashi looks over to lux lux: it's for the good of all people and the world.
Restart Chp. 1 [Re-upload]
. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- restart chapter one suddenly hearing a flood of sounds flowing into my head, opening my eyes.
Isolation-Excerpt 15- Red Code
"i'm gonna regret asking this", i said, "but how is restarting the main generator the hard part?"
"no you stupid machine don't do that, restart, restart!" belle screams. "beginning remoprhing bone structer" "no stop!"
1-Mission Start!
At that point, the program terminates, my os giving me a 'fatal error' window before the desktop restarts. after this, i try to restart the game. upon opening, the game immediately crashes.
Marooned on Tashoo, Introduction
Finally, at about sixteen kilometers, i tried to restart the engines and was successful. keeping the nose up allowed air to enter the engines slow enough to allow for a restart and regaining of control. the results were twofold.
Tangled in the jungle (part 5)
Mowgli wanted to increase the hotness, so he restarted tickling shanti's huge boobs and he restarted licking her beautiful soles. mowgli was in heaven.