Demon drugs
Sure it was taboo to be seen doing it, rumors spread; that kid must have been raped, if he's taking the h-stim. but he and justin, we were those kids, lucky us we were wasted, but sober.
Gunther's Warlord 5
The stimpatches were little more than square-shaped patches laced with the same stims found in stimpacks.
One Memorable Journey Pg.3
"aren't there new rejack stims? i heard they're putting out multi-use ones." the panther on jackie's squad said. "yeah, i have them with me now actually."
Game Show of Kink
It was not painful, not at all, though the e-stim pulses were strange, very different.
Hypnovember '23, Day 1 - Eyes
"yes, i've been stimming a lot recently." why did he admit that? "stimming. repetitive movements or vocalizations, often to calm or express feelings." "y-yeah, that." it sounded so much more embarrassing when read out like that.
Pulse - Chapter Three
It's a kind of stim. it has three effects. first, it give you a rush, like most stims do; then a sort-of euphoria kicks in, you start having a good time; last, it's great for clubs because it makes you ultra-sensitive to things like music.
Stimulants for Stimulation
He could hardly breathe, his heart pounding in his chest, his skin feeling like it was on fire from the sheer sensitivity that the stims awoke in him.
Gunther's Warlord 3
But he wasn't planning on subjecting himself to stims anytime soon.
Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 53
"how about the stims? do you know how long he's been on them?" "he isn't on them. he doesn't take stims." "if not him, or you, who did?" jacoby asked. "there isn't anyone else here." "i don't know." stims didn't explain his behavior.
A Naga’s Fulfilling Night with Portals
As lore left the rabbit to recover from his first climax, he watched as the canine's nine inch cock twitch and drip under the shocking treatment it received from the e-stim randomly shooting sparks of electricity.
an endless voyage continued ch 24
I don't take stims." rena said. "they blunt your reflexes." she paused. "you want to go after it don't you." "yes if its an enemy we need to know it." sarah replied. "take your stims rena, thats an order." "under protest, commander."
Rising Stars 3
'electric avenue' will activate the full body e-stim i've placed on her, while her holes also send a shock, on top of being able to vibrate.