
Possibly a case of vitiligo. the large feline stopped at the base of a tree, having caught an interesting smell. another male had just left its mark and was certainly nearby.

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The Bargain - 2

Piers thought of vitiligo, while the water warmed against his tingling, grey skin. "can you just get it overnight?"

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The Redemption of Ix - Ch.4

Now, his penis was blotchy and marked by vitiligo, patches of skin that had lost all their pigment from the repeated damage uzgal did to it in pursuit of anything resembling the rapturous pleasure it used to give him.

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Petting Zoo (Owen) 4 – Dirty Work

The mottling hadn't remained on his cock; he looked as though he'd contracted vitiligo. his legs, though, required the most attention: he couldn't really feel them, but twinges running up his legs indicated he might not want to just yet.

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