You can't argue with a storm
He said, in his ever-charming voice, "but you can't argue with a storm. especially one that has already started." he took one last look at shen, before retreating back into his truck.
Janet the skunk in feminism
She sort of missed the lesbian cafe for the argueing. mostly that really, nothing made you feel more justified just jerking, and fingering than being around potential sex partners who put more effort into polemic than perversion.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
BOOM! CLAP! The thunder outside was so loud I was surprised the windows didn't break as they rattled in there frames. Oh Shit, the dog. I had just remembered that the basset hound that sleeps in my room is scared of thunder. I sit up in my bed to check...
Jason's Nightmare - Part 1
"Welcome to the Mountain of Revelation!" Said professor Kashikoi, the Mewtwo greeted with arms spread wide. "I am certain you will enjoy your stay here." The students of Tokugawa High each said their greeting in unison and bowing their heads. Later,...
Fireside Chat
To his left and his right, all Lucario saw were trees. He stepped over branches, roots, and various shrubbery as his eyes scanned his surroundings. _I could've sworn he was around here somewhere..._ he thought to himself while continuously looking left...
Tempers Are Rising
It's not worth it to argue about this. so, i'm going to walk, and we'll talk about it later." **_with these words, max walked briskly to the door. but before to go completely out of the room, he announced:_**"just, gillian.
Miscellaneous: The Chess Brothers
I had finally stopped them from arguing, and got them in bed in the process.
Jackob's Life Chapter 5-1: Sibling Harmonizing
Yeah, that's true jackob.", his uncertain self tried to argue back." but then again, you also had his dicks in your mouth and thoroughly enjoyed it. and giving blowjobs while receiving one yourself isn't really a straight thing."."
Finding Peace Part 1 Chapter 4
Feugen stared at her and opened his maw to argue and the bitch actually raised her hand again to give him another lesson. he closed his maw slowly and he said quietly "alright..."
TEASER- Reading One's Feelings
If one were to ask if I had constant contact with the world of humans, I'd ask what kind of idiot they were- as a gryphon, the obvious answer is 'yes'. Within the range we set for ourselves, it's impossible not to. In some 'kingdoms' (for lack of...
Vidas entrelazadas 13 (Tony-I)
18/12/3843 (lunes) Rápidamente, fue a dejar las cosas a la habitación, e intentó ayudar a Héctor a dejar también sus cosas, pero el hipopótamo le apartó y se negó a aceptar su ayuda. -No...
Behind Those Red Eyes Ch.4
Behind Those Red Eyes Ch. 4 As I sat in my room waiting for the guys to return, all I could think about was how they including Master Splinter pretty much dissed me from going to help them with their investigation. It just wasn't fair to, I've...