The centaur, the badger and the druid (UB)
**the centaur, the badger and the druid** by strega it was a roan centaur with an extravagantly red beard the druid ran into on the road that day. he never did learn the centaur's name, but rather liked him nevertheless.
Orcish Welcomes
Which rogash takes immediate advantage of, sliding one and then two fingers into the needy centaur. a moan coming from the centaur at that, who comes to a stumbling stop next to the fire.
Friends and Lovers
She had never seen a male centaur because they did not exist. stallions are what perpetuate the centaur race. the slender elf slid behind the centaur, looking leyelil over.
Much More Than Friends
The centaur cried, shuddering as she rocked her hind legs back and forth. avelle stood, fist-deep inside the centaur she had met only a week before.
Honeys forest frolic...
As with a loud grunt, he plunges his full length back into the centaur's body... the young centaur whickers and whinnies as the entire length is plunged inside of him rough and hard.
Tricked and taken...
The big black furred centaur snickered, craning his head to get a better look.
Staying with a Centaur
Finished pouring he hands the full glass over to the grateful centaur. "i didn't catch your name, mr?" "fionn" responds the centaur after a mouthful of beer.
Making Friends
She turned back to the centaur, taking a deep breath, and saying, "i try my best to make sure mephaeon is happy." snorting, the centaur stamped her front hoof, exasperated.
A Welcome Break
The centaur's hind legs scrabbling through the dirt as he tries to get just the right angle. alas, the centaur has been on the road for the whole day.
What friends are for?
She turned to the centaur and said, "alright, now for you." the centaur stood there as avelle approached, looking tense and sweaty. "relax."
A Centaur's Payment
"you really want a tickling that badly, mister centaur?
The Lover in the Lake
Chiron the centaur has a problem - about fifteen inches of problem, to be precise.