Ten years after. Ten years of life, ten years of change since the Day of Slumber rewrote the world. Len hadn't been in town then; it had been two years before that since he'd last visited. From the looks of things it was far, far too late now. He...
Clueless Season 2: Homecoming Out Part 2
Clueless season 2: Homecoming Out (Part 3)
Perfect since _nobody else_ wanted to ask me out to homecoming."
Sea Poem
Here I am far out to sea Missing you as you miss me A day doesn't go by Without thoughts of you on wings fly Shed not a tear for me There is too much salt already in the sea Though this ocean be vast and blue I'll soon be coming home to...
Reunion- Part 1
Asked kurt, hoping nothing turned violent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finally, the week of homecoming was here, the school was totally excited, not brett though, to him homecoming was just another night
Clueless Season 2: Homecoming Out (Prologue)
Let's do an lgbt themed homecoming dance and, get this, we can call it 'homecoming-out'! how's that for a hook?" "oooh, i like the sound of that!" pesto exclaimed with excited eyes.
Clueless Season Two: Black vs Pink (Homecoming-out Part 7)
"but... the theme of the homecoming dance that you planned is 'homecoming out'... you're not seriously going to force me to keep pretending like i'm straight, are you...? t-that's hypocritical!"
Feeling out of place: Chapter 5
The talk i had about homecoming with amy snapped into my head, and i felt an overpowering urge to tell him about me going with damien.
Growing Up Gay in High School - Book 1: Freshman Year - Chapter 4
Me: i got a date for homecoming. joe: yeah? nice! who? me: megan from my math class. you've seen her. i sat there for awhile waiting for joe's response.
Homecoming Out Finale (1/2)
"and homecoming king of 2018 plus or minus 5 is..."
Homecoming Out: Epilogues
"oh god, homecoming was so amazing..." he began with a giddy little laugh.
Clueless Season Two (Homecoming-out Intermission)
So today the tiny raccoon told the imposing husky that she just needed a few minutes to go over her notes for homecoming, and that she'd catch up later.