The Infidel
An oddly graceful reaction considering his daughter had just been glazed by a pasty skinned western infidel. lucky enough daddy had a terrible aim.
Infidelity- Chapter 1
A big burly paw swatted sleepily at the buzzing alarm clock, and after a few misses finally made contact, silencing it. Blue eyes peered from behind half closed lids, a grunt rumbling from under the covers where an ursine muzzle poked out. Quiet...well...
Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown
Aka: the ones without adultery. even the last one that had a 'session' (though it was so damn short that it barely counts as one) didn't even get anything.
"infidels," laughed keene, but he tried to hide it beneath a veneer of anger, which did not him any good. "yeah, that's right, you two, but just listen. we have to go quite a ways now, you understand," said i.
A Stranger to Trust
I could discuss a case involving marital infidelity and how i discovered the cheating spouses.
Black Silence 3
"it turns beings into monsters, you just set them loose in a populated area and they start tearing the infidels apart." "the monster also takes you for an infidel too." responded the other voice.
The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude
"you, behind my back, committed adultery and bared a son." "my love, you don't understand!" "lies! you lying, little, insignificant, whore!" the kaiser pointed the pistol at aura, and without hesitation pulled the trigger.
101 Dalmatians: Perdies Infidelity
Page=454539&filename=shippo+-+perdies+infidelity+-+small.jpg "perdies infidelity") he had only ever hand his tongue and his sheath around his puppyhood, and neither were as soft, wet or warm. he whimpered slightly, wanting to pull away.
Animalia Chapter Three: Birth of an Era
"in my land, we do not have a word for ‘adultery' or ‘promiscuity'. we're natural monogamists. it was the strangest thing i had ever heard of when i first came here.
Another Closet Case
I once read an online article that described how spouses that committed infidelity often has a mass collection of reasons why they did it.
The jackrabbit turned the key slowly, but the lock still slid back with a loud thunk. He flicked his long ears and winced, waiting. No sound came from inside the apartment. He took one breath, then another. Slowly, he eased the door open. _I met this...
I Love You: A New 'Father Of The Pride' Story
It was late in the evening of Las Vegas, and Kate the lioness could not sleep. She was so damn mad at Larry, her white lion "star" husband, for forgetting their anniversary _again_. _Again!_ "The nerve of him!" shouted Kate, in the straw-roofed house...