EverTech Chronicles: Joven
His opponent was none other than master laguna himself.
Sealing the Slit
laguna procured a sounding rod, flashing the stag a smile. omen nodded.
EverTech Chronicles: Aurich
laguna's words came between pants and grunts.
A New Dawn - Chapter 11 (With Friends Like These...)
laguna chirped there was something about these guys that gave me a bad feeling. but laguna seemed stoked about the idea. either i was just being paranoid or laguna was just too trusting.
The House Always Wins [PATREON]
Zave shivered as laguna crale's voice washed over him like a frigid wave. _shit! a game?
A New Dawn - Chapter 18 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)
laguna giggled at roxis's naivety. "he won the bet..." tristen muttered. "that means..." "the loser has to do what ever he wants for the rest of the day!" laguna chirped. "but..." "we all lost. only malakye made it to the cliff and back!" laguna grinned.
Otterly Magical
That one word gave laguna full control over the wolf's body and no matter how hard splicer struggled he couldn't break his own spell. "on you knees." laguna ordered.
A New Dawn - Chapter 24 (Hard Lessons)
I saw harold look over at laguna and smile broadly. "nice to meet you harold." laguna said with a little wave. harold waved back and stared at him with his head cocked to the side slightly. laguna seemed to get nervous under harold's continuous stare.
Daemon - Chapter 1
Especially not laguna. it was good that she and laguna had become friends. kassandra had trust issues with most males due to her past experiences but laguna was the most trustworthy drake i knew.
An Evertech Tale Chapter 10
laguna tried to pull the wolf's paw from his mouth, but it wouldn't budge.
An Evertech Tale Chapter 39
laguna was personally picking the puppy up.
Laguna and Mischa
laguna and mischa laguna looked at mischa with an evil smirk leaning down to her knees softly licking her thighs with his long foxy tough, she tenses her legs trying to move but couldn't for laguna had his tail wrapped around her ankles