It was the panties.
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He grins and chuckles thinking of what he could do to a certain skunk when she was wearing the counterpart panties.
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Her eyes watching the bottom of the standing mirror as he pulled a black pair of panties from box.
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I think my dear husband had a little bit of a pantie fetish when he was younger. who'd've thought that?"
Portal Panties
"panties!" he said with a big smile. "portal panties to be exact." i shook my head exasperated. "but why would anybody want portal panties?" i asked again, obviously getting nowhere with the fox.
The Perfect Panties
Just the, uh, panties. for now." _real smooth, idiot._ but at least gwen didn't seem to notice. "alrighty then, for just the panties, let's see..."
The Pussy's Panties
Pre-cum dripped from his swollen tip onto the dusty, wooden floor while he took the panties between his teeth and pulled them away from her glistening sex.
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At home she removed the panties but not before having a good feel of the mess, she then showered and threw the panties away, she then sat on the bed and went to sleep, knowing that shire would clean the mess up.
Panty thief's paradise
Out he pulled out a pair of light pink silk tight panties. this should he good but he wanted more he needed more, he bored of the cloth panties and undershirt he had taken.
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Panther panties: janus by desmond fallout pink silk panties... among the things expected to be found going through a mans personal belongings that was not one of them.
Foxes Panties and cams.
Relaxing, he laid back sniffing at the panties a bit, giving the occasional whimper.
Portal Panties - Stealth
"i'm going to give these stealth portal panties a five star review, along with this recording!" tracy laughed as she slammed the door behind her. "oh fuck..."