Teuflisches Programm
Warnung: bösartige satire mit homosexuellem inhalt teuflisches programm langsam öffne ich die augen und starre auf die dunkelrote decke die mein schlafzimmer ziert.
Programmable Toys
Toby let the steaming water of the shower soak into his pelt and spread liquid warmth across his aching muscles. The day at the factory had worn the tiger down. It was only a few hours work, half the typical work day, but he was constantly active....
Bleade's Revenge
Hey there. My name is Bleade, and I wanna share something with you. Shall we begin? "Bleade! Fix the damn streaming system already!" the bulbous boss, Leonard Sheppend yelled into Bleade's cubicle. "Why do I keep you around you useless...
[citation needed] - Thursday Prompt Story [#8, 23/2/23]
However, the more she looked into it, sophie began to realize that this wasn't just some amateur programmer typing spaghetti code in hopes that it would work. even novice coders could recognize what a fatal error was, and here there were in spades.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 27: Multiple Threats
"who are all of you and what is a group of programmers doing together in the central hub?" the human woman among the programmers pulled herself away from her coworkers and turned to regard him.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 20: Great Impact
"programmer arni is accusing you of being a security risk and a danger to the station. helen has suggested that you may be a vac sympathizer. programmer carlton has not made a comment on the matter."
Ano was the programmer. giegue was the commander. so why the hell did she treat and talk to him like trash?
EVA erklärt die Welt
Weitere daten sind nicht relevant für die weiteren erläuterungen des programm eva."
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 26:Playing the Hero
While the programmer paused at the realization she and henry had company the fox didn't even bat an eye. smiling, he went out to meet everyone.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-000][Prolog]
Die us army hat die kampfhandlungen eingestellt. 20.10.2041 alle lupains, die am programm teilgenommen haben sind spurlos verschwunden. 30.04.2042 alle lupains des programms wurden von einem ratsmitglied für tot erklärt.
The Card
The lithe twenty year old programmer had just scored an awesome deal as he fought with the door knob, quite overexcited.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 15: Something Afoot
"you were capable of freeing up processing power in a way few programmers have considered reasonable or feasible." lydia shrugged. "artificial personalities are too stuck up and confined by all of the limitations programmers place on them...