**shine** gold is one of those metals that always seems like it has something to prove.
There was a lot shining could say in response to a ridiculous request like that.
chapter 1 Get Up!
Said shining armor as he was standing right next to my bed. "do you even know what the time it is or why today is so important you not be late zach?" asked shining armor as i started to get up rather slowly.
True love my shining star in the night sky so bright. you made me see the light. the darkness seems so bright.
Fate came a-callin’ chapter 2
2 years earlier, Early spring, 1884 Jack McCall found himself sitting astride his paint horse, atop a hill overlooking the rail yard just outside of town. He sighed inwardly, as he thought of the love that could never be. Jack was a U.S. Marshal sent...
Fate came a-callin’ Chapter 1
Jack put a finger to his lips before either of them said a word, and motioned for shining to go grab the winchester that was kept in shining and cadence's room.
Hey, i do not own the rights to either the book rights or movie rights to "the shining". thank you, stephen king, and stanley kubrick. i dedicate this, to bolt.
Shear and Shine
#11 of transformation stories aesc has a surprise in store for zeryx after shearing off all his fur it ends with a sticky and very shiny pair of rams shear and shine story & aesc (c) russet'15 zeryx (c) flare starfire with his arms pressed against
In Shining Armor
"what's my knight in shining armor got planned for tomorrow?" "i'm dropping you off at the nearest village. it's about thirteen miles east of here.
**furry christmas** chapter two rise and shine by stephan glazer. 25th december 2318 swanvalley western australia.
Rise and Shine!
The sun rose majestically over the hills of Edisto, South Carolina. Soft rays of sweet July sunlight shone in through the windows of a quiet, cozy house, the gentle breezes pushing and pulling at the front porch swing. As the morning light illuminated...
A Shining Star
According to the legends, long before furkind conquered the land or mastered the seas, the All-Father of the Heavens sired a thousand and one starchildren, each one as bright and unique. From the inky black sea...