Half-Blood Chapter LIV

A dark mage is already an astounding rarity, but one who had their magic sealed at a young age? improbable, plus you possess powers unseen by even us fey.

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Prologue: Lost

Krystal gasped and barred her fangs, quickly placing a paw over the bloody wound and mumbling as she called upon her reserve of magic, sealing the deep wound. she was too exhausted to completely fix it, but at least she had stopped the flow.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 28: Lofty Castle

He fired his shot gun at the door but it was magically sealed. "let me try." spyro charged up a lot of fire energy and blew fire onto the door.

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The Forgotten 13: First Blood

It was marginally warmer this close to the magically sealed gate and although still frigid, it at least didn't make her feel as if her blood was freezing in her brains. "...tomorrow....can't believe she killed....worth..."

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How The Other Half Live

Hati's paws clicked against the marble floor as she trotted up to his side, behind him the gates swung shut with a firm clicking sound as the magic sealed it. it was good being part phoenix, it made things a lot easier when you didn't have hand.

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Pact Chapter 3: Elemental Essences

They also specialize with either wards or magical seals. druids have the ability to work with every element and also both wards and seals.

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A Theory of Equilibrium, Book 1, Part 3: Locks and Keys

The larger bag held the tonal key, and was secured shut with a small magical seal. down the road he kept his horse at a steady gallop. the day overhead was cloudy, but the sun shone down on the roads and the stretches of plain.

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Netherhiem 06

And despite it being slightly smaller than the other stores, the place had everything: scepters, staffs, wands, pendants, magic seals, and hydrus' favorite: magic grimoires and spell tomes.

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Split Souls: Balance

The vault attendant took several minutes entering complex codes that were verified by max before she cast the last spell releasing the doors drawing back the magical seal.

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Winter's New Life

A moment later, malcolm's train of thought came to an abrupt halt when he sensed the magic seal shift, drawing back to reveal the nest.

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The grimoire had been magically sealed to discourage misuse, something that he had neglected to detect.

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Lori Pathen 3 - News for the Gnomes

Witness my magical seal!" with that the crystal sparkled and glowed in the light. it produced a projection of an animated golden griffon in flight on the ground. there was hushed murmurs from the gnomish guards as they discussed what to do.

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