Superhero 5

Chapter 5 Aisha, once known as the legendary superhero Paladin, whirled and sliced, spun and cut, a dervish of death whose skin glowed golden and brighter with every kill. The demons swarmed her in vain, their numbers endless in the featureless...

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Antecedent 5

It took several hours for the two pegasi to limp into Ponyville, and by that time, night had fallen once more. Sentinel was in the lead, and Raindrop was still trailing behind, uncertain. Sentinel had kissed her. And she hadn't even given him a...

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Chapter 5

Karen has gained a level! She has gained the ability Breasts! Namico has gained a level! She has gained the ability Dat Ass! Craig has gained a level! He is now able to kick ass 47.6% more...

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Baxley 5

Baxley sat in a tree near his new three- story house. He had a nonlethal arrow notched and wore a dark green cloak which concealed him very well in the trees. Baxley scanned the forest floor for any sign of his older brother's dark orange fur. He...

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"The planet PH-5. A fertile land full of lush vegetation and wild animals. It's no wonder that a school of wildlife research was built here to monitor and study the flora and fauna. This prestigious school operates on a weekly basis. Day and night...

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5 - The Meeting

Jake got himself ready and hurried out of his dorm, heading to meet Janice at hers, but he barely got outside the building before a familiar voice caught him off-guard. "What's your hurry?" He stopped short and turned around to find his rabbit friend...

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Ch 5

**Hey Guys I'm Back With Chapter 5!!! Last time Josh and Shadow got trapped in a cave, but then rescued a Beldum, caught an Aggron, and made a new friend! So Thank you guys for the support on the story, I hope you guys like this for many more...

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Tyne sat in the scattered straw, staring at the flickering light of the lantern sitting on the crate. The sea rolled gently against the window behind him, a soothing sound that lulled his quickly beating heart. He'd heard the slavers earlier...

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Ch 5

**Hey Guys Chapter 5 is here! Well this time we left Scott and Angel (Woot Woot!) and now we turn our focus back to Jay and his plan for Scott and him. Let's read some more shall we?** **I Do Not Own Pokémon** "Well, it's been about two hours so I...

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Mak 5

Mak 5 - August 12, 2014 Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association M/t, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Rimming Rabbit/Bear Mak meets a teenage bear on a train. The rabbit sighed. Two and a half days on a train. Almost two...

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Session No. 5

Disclaimers: Gage belongs to[![avatar?user=27290&character=0&clevel=2]( bsaxagent]( "Galen")who wrote this Session, and Galen belongs to me. If these...

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Session No. 5

Disclaimers: Gage belongs to me, and Galen belongs to [![avatar?user=70666&character=0&clevel=2]( Galen]( "Galen") who commissioned this Session. If...

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