The Fate That Befell Yndyr: Chapter One

Their tough hide and large size could propel them through a standard metal wall at top speed. that is, if their razor sharp claws didn't get through first.

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Chapter Five: Bunny Babe Brawl

This let him run at almost top speed towards the ship he could see through the trees with just a few scratches, and those were on his arms.

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Isolation-Excerpt 17-Asphalt

"how long will it take if i drive at top speed from here?", i asked closing the fuel tank , tossing the can into the backseat and getting back in the car.

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The Laputan Factor 01

speed, space-stitching through enemy fire to deliver one hit - for one was all that was needed to disable the target, destroy it if required - and escape through the remaining wave of exploding energy and debris to rise back again into the eternal darkness

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 25-The Rally-Part 1-2

Less traction met slippery turns, lower top speed and decreased handling. since the xs's engine was located up front, all the weight was over the non-driving front wheels.

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Wings - Kreet 81

Kreet wasted one second to look at kallid, then ran up the stairs at top speed. he was right behind her as they burst into their room. immediately they were both relieved to see both grace and kalindra pawing at each other on the blanket pile.

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The Princess's Mercy

Shakti sighed, hearing the red panda running at top speed down the hall. at least one of them had common sense. the mongoose dusted off her dress as she got to her feet, eight heavily armed and thick-armored elephants pushing open fake doors in the wall.

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A Royal Bond

The burning, cum-soaked lunges reached top speed, pre coming down sijin's balls with powerful, ballistic-like thrusts firing inside riga's insatiable tail hole.

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Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 4: Bladewielder!

Beyond the roadblock, kaynine flynn taggart and his partner, along with kaynine raiz ridgeback and his, both brought their cruisers side-by-side at top speed. "what's it looking like, flynn?" the younger of the two asked.

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Fire Hazard

He finally reached his top speed and shot a load deep inside me, it felt so warm and seemed to make my insides catch fire in a great way. i couldn't stop it and the flame erupted from my mouth.

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Part two of the war

He knew it would work for getting to the probe on time because he and the crew would be able to travel at top speed. his only issue would be getting the probe back. this problem was solved by sern.


chapter 3: it begins

He moaned "right, calculations, the distance 2400 miles, top speed of spy and cyd's is 50 mph which means two days but my runner goes 100mph so it means on my runner it's 0ne day of non-stop driving." i replied.

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