
Submission "Oh...Oh James!" Wendy gasped desperately as she clawed at the ram's back. The delicate ewe struggling to contain her cries despite the risk of waking their sleeping baby. It had been months since they had found a moment to be together. Now...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 4

_Transport shuttle it is by 30 votes_ Glancing at the Elitist transport the new rabbit decided that as a morph he was probably better off avoiding the core worlds. At least until he had a better grip on the side effects of his transformation. He...

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Shortcut to dinner

Panting with effort Greg trotted down the path, phone in one paw desperately trying to text and trot at the same time. The gorilla wasn't used to exercise and he couldn't help but worry that this running was going to make him sweat through his suit....

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Distant Earth CYOA part 3

_Option c hit on bunny receptionist_ Stepping out of the changing room the newly changed rabbit gave the receptionist a confident and almost predatory grin. Holding out his paws and giving a slightly twirl he asked, "What do you think?" The blue...

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Island Heat 3

Time it was supposed to be a constant; second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, all the same all equal. Yet as Jessie sat in class his eyes glancing at the clock again and again he swore that each minute passed slower than the last,...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 2

_Rabbit 20_ _Engineer 20_ _ _ _Bunny engineer here we come, now for rolls on potential for feral bleed through:_ _Sexual dominance 10% Roll: 8 confirmed bleed through_ _increased aggression 5% Roll: 74 no bleed through_ _increased lusts 60% Roll:...

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Don't judge me

The third street gym, steamhouse and sauna, I know it intimately. A well run, well maintained establishment and one I have a membership too, not that I let anyone know that because, as well maintained and clean this place is, it's well known as a gay...

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Distant Earth -CYOA part 1

Earth, it once seemed so big and then as man advanced, as populations grew it became smaller and smaller. As man set foot into space, colonised Mars our homeworld seemed smaller and yet far more precious. A shining gem at the heart of our civilisation....

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"You want to what?" Brian stared in disbelief at his mate he could feel tears beginning to well in his eyes. His ears refused to believe the words they had just heard, it had to be some sort of horrific joke. Daniel took a deep breath and tried...

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Island Heat 2

Island heat 2 "Hey give them back!" Jessie yelled struggling with a white lapine in waist deep water. The lapine had a pair of swimming shorts in his paw. The rabbit tossed the blue shorts to one of three other juvenile lapines laughing around the...

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Heat 11

Heat 11 "No, look you need to keep the slices even, otherwise the flavour will be uneven and the texture will be off." Martin said patiently as he handed a nervous brindle furred bunny another root vegetable. "Here give it one more try and don't worry...

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In transit

In Transit "Oh and our new passenger needs to have his dressings changed" Rebecca groaned as her boss finished her daily worklist. She'd signed on as a medic on the large freighter Tsion because it wandered trade routes to some of the most distant...

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